A stretch during a massage

What to Expect From a Massage – Stretching

Some people enjoy receiving a massage for the relaxing, nurturing benefit.  They think, “Ah, I’ll just lay there and let the therapist massage my tension away.”  While this is a perfectly acceptable reason to get a massage, an effective massage therapist will incorporate some stretching and manipulation of the limbs into his or her treatment, instead of allowing you to “just lay there”. 

a stretch during a seated massage
Photo Courtesy ABMP

After all, the human body is a dynamic, flowing entity.  A muscle at rest does not have the same shape or texture as a muscle in motion, so why would a massage therapist only address the needs of body that is completely at rest?

When I work with a client, I like to incorporate some elements of Thai massage that will move and stretch your limbs during a session.  This allows me to assess the muscles at different points of motion so that I can discover injuries, soreness and little pockets of tension that will be missed if you stay in just one or two positions.

In addition, the gentle stretching exposes more muscle and skin cells to the long, stroking motions of the Swedish massage techniques I also use when I customize a massage to a client.

A stretch during a massage
Photo Courtesy ABMP

Remember: it’s not just your muscles that benefit from therapeutic massage, but, your skin, circulatory and central nervous system as well.  Movement and stretching will make it easier to flush toxins from cells, encourage blood flow as well as ease tension.

Relaxation is a great reason to treat yourself to a massage.  However, an effective massage therapist will use different modalities to, not only ease tension, but provide a healing, therapeutic massage.

Demand the best for yourself – You deserve it!

Body Elemental – Phoenix, AZ – Gene Carpenter – Licensed Massage Therapist

©BodyElemental, Gene Carpenter, (MK – author) – all rights reserved.